My Blog is My New Therapist by Rina Jakubowicz

Since my last post about my anxious dreams of always chasing something or being chased and never getting anywhere, I am happy to announce that I haven’t had one chasing dream since!

It’s a miracle. This has been going on for years and now, POOF! It’s gone!!!

I have always known there is a therapy in expressing yourself by journaling or talking to a friend or, of course, a therapist, but I never thought that blogging and sharing my deepest truths to the internet world would have this effect.   It’s quite perplexing.  Either it is the power of expression or it is blessings and compassion from everyone who read my blog and hoped I heal from this anxious pattern. (If it was that, then thank you all.) ☺  Regardless of why, it worked.

So, this leads me to another idea! We could have a blog therapy website with different categories and topics for those who want the therapy of sharing and can’t afford a psychologist or alternative therapist.  My boyfriend could set it up being the techie that he is (and setting up websites is his profession) and it could be called… wait for it.. wait for it….  BRILLIANT!!! I have already researched that the web address has been taken, but it isn’t being used so it could be purchased. And we could create partnerships with psychologist and get endorsed.  Let me take time off of my yoga business to try to execute this idea that I have no idea about…

Have you caught on yet? This was my repetitive pattern mentioned in my previous blog about how I come up with great ideas all the time but I have to discern which ones are worth executing.  And this one isn’t, but, I will offer it to my boyfriend… Haha!!! :-)

Despite my ranting I feel so much more connected and grounded after sharing my crazy sleep life with you all, so stay tuned for other stories from deep places that I haven’t even discovered yet.    After all, it is now my new form of therapy.  But wait! Are you going to charge me?

Rina Jakubowicz