Four RY Steps to Finding Stability

step cartoonIf you feel pressure or stress in your life it’s because you are far away from your natural state. Your natural state is always in bliss and at peace. It’s all the extra external circumstances that we allow to pressure us and make us worry about the past and the future. Thus getting us farter away from our center our inner stability. Nothing outside of you will ever give you lasting peace.



Here are four steps to discover what is creating instability in your life.

  1. Determine what feels imbalanced in your life? Why is it imbalanced? Do you tend to pursue negative thoughts often? Reflect honestly and write out a few ideas.
  2. Assess what you would have to do in order to make your life balanced? What would you have to change? Is there something you could eliminate? What would happen if you pursued positive thoughts?
  3. Accept that you will most likely have to take new action in order to enforce this new balanced lifestyle. Based on conscious reflection, embrace that something has to shift in order for you to grow and become stable.
  4. Then take the action with confidence and love!
Rina Jakubowicz