A Monumentous Month in Review

Moving across the country has had its moments of being exciting and scary.  I have to make an effort to make new friends, to find balance and to find my groove here within the already-set rhythm of the family I’m walking into – which of course has it’s own set of challenges as well.

Every day I checked in with myself and made decisions that I knew would benefit myself and those I am now living with; including our dog Juda. Haha! ☺

Everything gets thrown up in the air when you move to a new city and it’s up to me to grab the goodies that I know will best serve me and others.

Here’s a list of how I maintained some balance this month despite all the changes. Maybe some resonate with you. Maybe some don’t. But every body is different and you’ll have to check in with yourself if you are feeling out of balance and you haven’t even moved across the country. 12573736_800547823408112_2629952912101872110_n

  1. Family Time: I spent time with my cousin who lives in LA.  Plus I periodically speak with my family in Miami although I miss them a lot.
  2. Relationship Time: Eric and I went on our technical first date this month where we could develop as a couple separate from any other distractions. We went salsa dancing! Azucaaaar! ☺
  3. “Bonus” Family Time: As “bonus mom” (thanks Yanet for that phrase) I spent time cooking meals and catering to the needs of the girls best I could with snuggles and love… and laughs. And also knowing when I needed to step off and not be involved.
  4. Personal Time: I allowed myself the permission to enjoy Rina time without feeling guilty of not always being available or around. I went to Santa Monica and had a nice picnic in the sun.
  5. Spiritual Time: I studied the scriptures every morning (with Eric) and chose a lesson to apply every day.
  6. Physical Time: I sought out a yoga teacher here who inspires me to keep practicing asana. I found ways to practice yoga and get weekly massages for some aches and pains that my body was feeling from all the changes and traveling.
  7. Fun Time: Luckily, I make myself laugh so I can have fun whenever I choose to but it’s definitely helpful to have happy people around me. Thank goodness for Jimmy Fallon! haha! 🙂
  8. Teacher Time: Connecting with new students and taking the time to listen to their needs. Plus staying connected to old students and trainees as well.
  9. Friend Time: I made my first friend in LA who happens to be a 75-year old Cuban woman from the local coffee shop. In addition, I keep connected to some friends from outside LA as well. But I definitely miss my friends from Miami a lot. Being away from my friends and family in Miami is the hardest part of this change. So feel free to reach out whenever! I’ll take all the lovin’ I can get. XOXO!
  10. Food Time: I’ve been cooking more and making sure I’m getting as much nutrition I can with all these changes and transitions. I also take some new supplements like iron and B12 to help me with some boosts.

All of these little adjustments allowed me to maintain healthy and balanced within all the change.  It wasn’t always easy but I reached deep within me to make sure I was conscious throughout the process and carried myself with as much love as possible.  I invite you to check in and see where you can tweak your actions in order to better serve yourself and others… always with love.



If you need help finding this balance in your life, I’m here to offer my Personal Compass services, which could get you on the right track for you! ☺

Rina Jakubowicz