Is Your Inspiration Sourced in Truth?

For me, inspiration comes from within. There’s an internal spark that lights up and communicates with me somehow. It tells me “Okay, Listen to this… This has depth…. This has meaning… Keep fueling this… Keep going… Keep working on this… Follow through no matter what…This has a purpose… Stay connected… You’re on the right track… Don’t let anything deter you… You got this!”

Of course, there’s also that other voice which communicates, “stay in bed… it’s so cozy here… you’re so warm… it’s so cold outside these sheets… aren’t these pillows so delicious?… you deserve to rest… just relax and sleep more…”

Both these voices can “inspire” a different result.  One results in getting done what you know must get done to serve your purpose for the day. The other results in procrastination and hesitation for what you know you just have to do.

Ideally, when you can determine what is your duty as a spouse, parent, employee, friend, boss, etc. you just do whatever that job requires with conviction and determination to do the best job you can regardless of the recognition received.

Then, there are things that one must do because there’s a fire burning in you that says, “You must complete this and it’s up to you!”  We have to have a clear connection within ourselves. Otherwise we won’t hear this fire within loud enough usually due to negative emotions like fear and creating habits that clog the communication wires. Some of these habits could include unhealthy eating and drinking habits, watching too much television, pumping your body full of stimulants like caffeine and sugar, irregular sleeping patterns, technology overload, negative thoughts, etc.

Check in with yourself to hear that inspirational voice that wants to help you and help others! This is the ultimate service of any yogi… giving. So go find that truth within yourself that inspires you to be a better version of yourself today! Put fear aside and leap into the life that you know was meant to be for you… and others! A life full of love, compassion, wisdom and positive action!

Rina Jakubowicz