I’ve Been Afraid!

Fear is more harmful than the pain of a physical injury. Fear is the driving component behind tension, resistance, and paralysis. Lately, because of my transition to a new city, with a new environment, with a new job, a new family, a new everything, my level of fear has risen. It has been scary to be so vulnerable and so raw when I haven’t had my consistent support system that I’m used to. The problem with this fear that has seeped in is that I don’t function well with this emotion. I know you will say that no one functions well with this emotion, but those who aren’t aware of how debilitating this emotion is really don’t know. This is why they say “ignorance is bliss.” But I’m aware and so it becomes more crisp in my view. I moved out to LA because I don’t like to function from fear and staying in Miami would have been the “safe” thing to do. So here I am across the country, and in fear.  Yes. I’m being real, raw and completely vulnerable on my blog for all unknown and known eyes to see. But this is how I combat my fear. I have to expose it. I need to bring it to light and then, it diffuses and becomes a speck of sand instead of a sand castle in the sky. So here goes…


I’m afraid of what I have lost by leaving Miami.

I’m afraid of my own lack of spiritual evolution because it means that I won’t be able to handle and manage these challenges objectively and smoothly.

I’m afraid of not finding a community like the one I had before.

I’m afraid of not being the right kind of teacher for these new students who are used to a different style of yoga.

I’m afraid that with this change I won’t make enough money to support myself entirely.

I’m afraid that people won’t understand or get who I really am and embrace it because I can’t not be myself.

I’m afraid that I won’t make deep, good friends here.

I’m afraid that I’ll lose my essential purpose as to why I do what I do; to become enlightened and serve to the best of my ability.

I’m afraid my intellect has been beaten by my mind since this shift.

I’m afraid of not being able to take care of myself first with all these additions and changes in my life…

So I’m afraid… a lot.

But this is where I kick my own ass and wake up and say, “ENOUGH!”

You are better than this negativity and doubt.

You are TOO hard on yourself.

You study every morning.

You give 100% of yourself with everyone you’re with.

You trust and inspire others to trust.

Stop this mental momentary insanity.

You genuinely love others and want them to feel loved.

You are doing the best you can and your best is great!

You are there for people when they need you.

You speak up for your needs and create healthy boundaries.

Stand up. Step up. Let yourself be seen for who you really are.

Remember your higher ideal. This isn’t about you. This is about something bigger. Something deeper. Something beyond this limited life.

Show your truth. Show your light. Remember the teachings!

So I must surrender and understand that these growing pains are harming me.

So in front of you all. Completely naked. Completely open. Completely bare.

I surrender.

I’ll let go of my story. I’ll let go of my control. I’ll let go of how I think I know.

To realize that I create my new story. I never had control to begin with. And I don’t know anything.

But I will continue to serve and give 100% of myself.

Forever yours,



Rina Jakubowicz

4 thoughts on “I’ve Been Afraid!

  1. Ivette says:

    So lovely. Thank you for sharing your fears with us. I for one can totally relate. You continue to inspire a lot of us far and close – like I always say- Just continue to Beyou. You are where you are suppose to BE.

  2. Elena says:

    It is beautiful to be real to yourself and to others.
    I commend you for it. Yes, I agree. Fear is the most crippling feeling of all. It paralyzes us. It is too powerful and we have to overcome and conquer it!!
    When we do, we feel free and realize that fear only exists if we allow it.
    God bless you!!!!

  3. Margarita Flores says:

    Wow Rina Jakubowicz what a big truth i have had and have the same feeling, mejor descripcion y ayuda impoble. Thanks y nunca me cansare de decir que siempre me das esa luz en mi camino. Namaste ?? you go girl. You inspire

  4. Mirna says:

    Sometimes the easy thing is to stay and sometimes it is to go. But, I think a lot of times, it’s the packing up and going and knowing you have to trust that it will work one way or the other, that is the hardest.
    I have left many times but,
    Sometimes when I’ve gone, I’ve been most fearful of having to go back where I had been before (& feeling like a failure and defeated) but, even when I did go back, it ended up being the thing that had to happen in the end & ultimately the best for me.
    Thanks for your honesty, lightness and light. Your thought provoking, love-filled words always inspire me.
    I recently left & though some things are scary (can I rise to the challenge of my new job position? Will I make new good friends?will I stay healthy far away from my usual support system-foundation?) I know and feel I’m where I’m supposed to be. xo

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