
Sneak Peek Part 4: Sakshi- To Witness

The Yoga Mind: 52 Essential Principles of Yoga Philosophy to Deepen Your Practice  Sakshi is the ability to see everything, but most importantly to see without judgement.  When we learn to see things with a more complete perspective we are less likely to react and more able to act with intellect! Interested in learning more!  […]

Blog, Personal Thoughts

Consciously Emoting

Time just published an article I thought was interesting and very relevant, about emotional release during exercise. The article states that more and more studio owners (think yoga, Pilates, spinning, bootcamp) are seeing a rising trend in their students using exercise as an emotional release. Some instructors even construct their classes to have a moment […]

Personal Thoughts

What’s Wrong with Our Society?

I have recently been introduced to the video below titled Alice Herz-Sommer. It is one of the most profound and beautiful videos I have seen in awhile.  I’m sure it will be one that stays with me my whole life. Unfortunately it only has 124,000 right now and it was posted at the beginning of this […]

Personal Thoughts

Five Points of No Return

It’s hard for me to pinpoint one exact moment in my life where I felt was the most impactful transformation of all. This is due to the feeling that every little breath and every little action I take is impactful in its own way. Although this article is meant to show a transformation through yoga, […]